Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Computers / Internet

Click Here:http://createyourproglang.com/?hop=0

Create Your Own Programming Language
A system to achieve every programmer’s dream.
Learn how to create a simple programming language in a few days with this easy step-by-step guide.

Creating a programming language from scratch is hard. It takes several attempts before finally coming up with a fully working language. This system will teach you all the tricks you need to know to make your language come to life. This is a great skill to put on your résumé and it's also fun to learn.

The book will guide you through the creation of a simple language written in Ruby. Once you’ve been through the exercises in the book and feel ready to dive in and create a real language, you’ll start from the template language running on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) included with the system. And just to make sure you’re ready to use the template right away, we’re also including a screencast explaining the code.

When you buy the system, you get premium access to an online community dedicated to programming language creation. Collaborate on code and get your questions answered get by a group of like-minded individuals.

The system will walk you through each step of language-building. Each section of the book will introduce a new concept and then apply its principles to a language that we’ll build together. All technical chapters end with a Do It Yourself section that suggest some language-extending exercises. You’ll find solutions to those at the end of this book.

Our language will be dynamic and very similar to Ruby and Python. All of the code will be in Ruby, but I’ve put lots of attention to keep the code as simple as possible so that you can understand what’s happening even if you don’t know Ruby. The focus of this book is not on how to build a production-ready language. Instead, it should serve as an introduction in building your first toy language.

If you're anything like me, when I first began using Microsoft Excel more than 18 years ago, then you are probably pulling your hair out struggling to get your Excel projects finished on time.

Your spreadsheets are getting bigger and more demanding but you don't know the right shortcuts. So it takes longer and longer to get things done.

Believe me, I know exactly what it's like when the boss asks for a report ASAP. You think to yourself, "What, does he think I'm magic? Does he expect me to work late again to get that report finished?"

You've heard about of all the great things that Excel can do and how it's the most popular software program used by just about every business in the world. But still, you haven't been given the training you need.

So, you come home and spend hours of your own personal time on the Internet searching for all of these amazing Excel tips and tricks that you know could save you hours of time and frustration.

You've probably already discovered a few great tips - ones that allow you to do a task in seconds that used to take you an hour or more. I'll bet you've already discovered a few tricks that make you say WOW!! the first time you use them.

Now you can have 101 of these amazing time-saving tips in your hands in just a few minutes from now

Click Here: http://www.theexceladdict.com/cb1_101_secrets2.htm


You have come to the right place.
I created LearnPhotoshopVideos.com with one thing in mind: to make you a MASTER GRAPHICS ARTIST. LearnPhotoshopVideos.com is the official website of my strategic video tutorial system: Graphics Champ. I have created an easy-to-follow method that will give you the skills you need to design anything you want. That's right- I'll give you the skills you need to design websites, album covers, T-shirts, download buttons, banners, flyers, ecovers, and you will learn FAST! Once you try my time-tested formula, you'll experience the Graphics Champ difference. Try it today- IT'S POWERFUL!

Beginning and advanced graphic designers, marketers, and web developers say exactly the same thing about the Graphics Champ method:
IT WORKS PERFECTLY! My graphics course comes complete with:
15 individual video lessons. Each lesson is action packed video.
Skill-building exercises. We will give you literally hundreds of 21st century skill-building exercises to make you a graphical master.
Instruction. We will give you access to our exclusive and growing library of quick start templates FOR FREE!
The Graphics Champ method is ACTION-PACKED and loaded with the diverse features you need to become a real GRAPHICS MASTER.

Cut out busy backgrounds, put new backgrounds in, solid color backgrounds get replaced almost instantly and how to correctly trace without remnants being left behind.
How to fix and touch-up pictures
Fix photo quality and touch up pictures easily, change color balance and mix brightness together for perfect output.

Maybe you want to be an award winning artist, Or design the most killer artwork and album covers for your band! Maybe you just want to chill out and design T-Shirts... From Web to Print to Multi-media to Cartoons- no matter what your goals and desires are- we’ve got the RESOURCES YOU NEED to make your Graphic Design career happen!

Every digital artist needs to understand and know how to manipulate layers, history, actions, tools and brushes to truly become a GRAPHICS MASTER. But learning these skills can be challenging and frustrating. I want you to know that the Graphics Champ method understands your needs:
You will learn the skills you need to learn QUICKLY AND EASILY! Just follow the lessons…
I am going to give you ALL the BEST strategies and secrets that I use to design all of my hottest banners, websites, album covers and more, plus you get access to my database. I am going to reveal how to create a system to work with, being able to design anything immediately because I want you to succeed! You are my star pupil, and I want you to kick some serious butt at design. It doesn't matter if you are already an advanced artist or just starting out! I will imply the best methods and grant you access to the most exquisite resources available anywhere on the planet

The Graphics Champ Multimedia Program
Become a master at Graphic design, and the way it works in a short amount of time! You get powerful video lessons, Action-packed step by step methods in all different areas of graphic design. You will learn how to design any banner, website art, ad, ecover, T-shirt or album cover quickly and easily, with virtuoso technique! Graphics Champ also comes with Certified power instruction, 9 Video lessons and step by step instructions for all stages and our frequently updated members database, filled with the best resources available to the modern graphic designer!